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12th September 2005

Two buttons and a D-Pad

Yep, it's been a very long time with no updates and it has been hectic here.


Anyway, whilst ruminating on a control system for a PS3 concept I'm working up at the moment, I became frustrated that this feature wasn't present on current controllers.


Then I rememebered the Nintendo Revolution mystery controller and I mused that this could be what's behind their secrecy.


In reality it's far from revolutionary, but it would be so useful for the concept I've got that it would almost be criminal not to make one.


The controller I'd like is simply a dual analogue with force feedback. As I said, it's nothing too fancy, but then it's nothing that's available either.


OK, so it's still a technophobe's (or gameaphobe's) worst nightmare and a massive barrier to entry, but as a gamer and as a designer it's something that would really help to make some games that were never possible, possible.



Never have I been so glad to be so wrong. The controller is a truly insightful work of genius. Comfortable, intuitive and familiar. No longer is there an alien piece of man-tech brooding under the TV, now there is a simple, obvious and normal piece of home equipment instead. Gaming moves from demanding a technical bent to being a standard home item.


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